1.   Four or five years before, the Communist Party would have advocated revolution to bring down the National Government.

2.   He no longer advocates armed revolution in America.

3.   The manuscript speaks out against what the writer calls a corrupt industrial-technological society and advocates a revolution to stop the encroachment of technology.

4.   The other school, whose champion is Newt Gingrich, the next speaker of the House and a disciple of the Tofflers, advocates revolution, not counterrevolution.

5.   The Red Army advocated world revolution through armed violence and its membership.

6.   We therefore advocate a revolution against the industrial system.

v. + revolution >>共 193
start 6.12%
lead 5.92%
undergo 3.67%
export 2.65%
foment 2.45%
follow 2.04%
see 1.84%
join 1.84%
betray 1.63%
cause 1.63%
advocate 1.43%
advocate + n. >>共 577
independence 4.42%
violence 3.98%
use 2.77%
change 2.65%
right 1.71%
policy 1.49%
return 1.49%
reform 1.33%
measure 1.22%
annihilation 1.05%
revolution 0.39%
每页显示:    共 7