1.   Advertising is not an expense that lobbying groups are required to report, and most of the advocacy advertising appears on local stations rather than on the networks.

2.   Political scientists who have studied advocacy advertising say the audience often takes away a message different from the one intended, or no message at all.

3.   The Coalition for Change has been advertising nationally on the cable networks CNN, CNBC and, in what may be a first for advocacy advertising, on MTV.

4.   The group illustrates an increasingly popular approach to advocacy advertising.

n. + advertising >>共 214
television 19.92%
tobacco 17.35%
cigarette 9.72%
campaign 3.05%
issue 2.97%
radio 2.73%
newspaper 2.49%
billboard 1.93%
alcohol 1.85%
year 1.20%
advocacy 0.32%
advocacy + n. >>共 61
group 85.67%
organization 5.27%
community 0.62%
effort 0.54%
campaign 0.46%
role 0.46%
ad 0.39%
commercial 0.39%
work 0.39%
advertisement 0.31%
advertising 0.31%
每页显示:    共 4