1.   Although most financial advisers recommend checking on a portfolio far less often, this is just the sort of information that a Quicken-crazed investor likes to have.

2.   Although various elements of the contract could be enacted this year, financial advisers recommend keeping an eye on long-term trends.

3.   As with any equity product, investors should not commit funds that they may need quickly, and advisers recommend investing for five years or more.

4.   Aside from the charge at Eagle Star, which B.A.T said was recommended by advisers to cap claims, both sides of its businesses grew steadily.

5.   A short-term defense is not the only strategy investment advisers recommend for a down market.

6.   Advisers also recommend that students begin preparing freshman year.

7.   But even now, some financial advisers are recommending that individuals scale back their equity holdings.

8.   But tax advisers are nonetheless recommending that some investors act on the assumption that the provision will become law.

9.   For a far-off goal like retirement, financial advisers generally recommend creating a growth portfolio and making minor adjustments based on a periodic review.

10.   Financial advisers recommend that recent graduates consider refinancing their loans to take advantage of the new low rates.

n. + recommend >>共 530
report 8.77%
panel 6.77%
doctor 6.72%
commission 5.92%
committee 5.79%
expert 4.12%
official 2.81%
board 2.73%
police 1.90%
group 1.72%
adviser 1.19%
adviser + v. >>共 364
say 34.31%
be 7.18%
recommend 2.25%
have 2.11%
tell 1.91%
suggest 1.77%
urge 1.67%
believe 1.34%
warn 1.29%
meet 0.96%
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