1.   For help with drawing up or amending a will, there are solicitors who specialise in advising elderly clients.

2.   Sales consultants are now able to advise clients using photographs, on a range of sizes, colours and planters.

3.   The surveyor will advise his client on the value of the property.

4.   The surveyor will therefore require a knowledge of the contracts available in order to advise his client.

5.   We can advise the client, but in the end it is he who has the final say.

6.   Advisers should set up and operate a diary system for entry of limitation dates in cases where they have advised clients on the point.

7.   The person using an expert system to advise a client will be potentially liable under the laws of contract and negligence.

8.   Consult or advise client.

9.   Action on receipt of reply If the search reveals any adverse entry, advise the client accordingly.

v. + client >>共 540
have 4.33%
represent 4.25%
advise 3.62%
attract 2.48%
serve 2.40%
defend 2.20%
take 1.93%
help 1.73%
see 1.73%
meet 1.57%
advise + n. >>共 452
government 7.13%
client 5.71%
company 5.58%
caution 4.65%
people 3.23%
president 2.36%
student 1.43%
patient 1.43%
woman 1.36%
official 1.30%
每页显示:    共 92