1.   He did much to advance the cause of freedom.

2.   Is this really going to advance your cause?

3.   And environmentalists could feel their cause was being advanced, even though implementation was far off.

4.   And baseball advanced its cause by hiring Barry Frank, a tough and experienced negotiator, for its next TV contract.

5.   And when they got to Congress they felt little responsibility to advance civil rights causes.

6.   Antiabortion forces who chose this week to exploit a national crisis in a twisted attempt to advance their cause failed to shut down a single clinic.

7.   Both clubs were sloppy, there were more icings than scoring chances, and neither team advanced its cause.

8.   Black said he is less certain that the effort to find survivors will advance the cause of Holocaust education.

9.   Abortion-rights advocates said the bill was intended to advance the cause of abortion opponents by elevating a fetus to the status of a child.

10.   Air conditioning also has advanced the cause of science and technology.

v. + cause >>共 372
determine 14.62%
investigate 12.15%
have 6.45%
give 5.79%
help 3.99%
find 3.92%
support 3.90%
champion 2.79%
know 2.53%
advance 1.80%
advance + n. >>共 502
cause 5.15%
runner 4.29%
technology 2.82%
career 2.76%
force 2.09%
theory 2.02%
interest 1.90%
idea 1.60%
ball 1.41%
talk 1.41%
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