1.   Adult flies lay their eggs in the ripening skin of fruit.

2.   After eight days, they emerge as adult flies, ready to repeat the cycle.

3.   In early July, adult flies, midges and mosquitoes seek out new pitchers in which to deposit their young.

4.   Pupae hatch into adult flies in June and look in the tree for something to lay eggs in.

5.   The new adult flies into a tree, and the male begins to buzz.

6.   These cozy casings, in which maggots slumber before turning into adult flies, are made out of proteins that last for eons.

7.   It then buries itself and emerges as an adult fly.

8.   Then the larvae uses the shelter of the head to grow into an adult fly.

9.   They later drop into the ground and emerge as adult flies.

a. + fly >>共 247
high 6.22%
long 5.86%
deep 4.62%
routine 3.73%
short 2.13%
artificial 1.95%
tiny 1.95%
female 1.95%
away 1.78%
adult 1.60%
adult + n. >>共 1009
life 8.19%
child 4.90%
education 2.59%
court 2.14%
male 2.01%
entertainment 1.56%
cell 1.54%
man 1.48%
son 1.43%
woman 1.35%
fly 0.19%
每页显示:    共 9