1.   Instead of giving up and saying no options exists, they adopt the philosophy that they can find a solution, creating new options if necessary.

2.   Neumann says Congress should adopt that philosophy.

3.   Steinbrenner has never adopted that philosophy.

4.   Point two is to adopt the philosophy of zero errors or zero defects to change the culture to right first time.

5.   Mexico has historically adopted that philosophy in its dealings with Cuba.

v. + philosophy >>共 199
study 7.46%
have 5.54%
teach 4.78%
change 4.59%
share 4.02%
follow 3.25%
reflect 2.49%
espouse 2.29%
embrace 2.10%
take 2.10%
adopt 0.96%
adopt + n. >>共 790
resolution 6.22%
child 5.58%
policy 5.10%
measure 4.35%
law 3.87%
rule 3.05%
euro 2.72%
plan 2.48%
legislation 1.98%
standard 1.84%
philosophy 0.08%
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