1.   Amnesty International opposes the detention without trial of all political detainees, including administrative detention.

2.   They would instead be placed in administrative detention in the Qeziot detention centre in the Negev.

3.   He also raised the possibility of arrests for long periods without formal charges, a procedure known as administrative detention.

4.   Kimberlin was placed in a small administrative detention cell overnight.

5.   Officials then placed him in administrative detention for a week.

6.   The Hezbollah official contended that Barzawi had been kept in prison after completing his term in what is known as administrative detention, imprisonment without charges or trial.

7.   The U.N. Committee Against Torture also urged China to end administrative detentions, in which inmates lack legal protection.

8.   When their sentences expired, they were placed under administrative detention as bargaining chips.

9.   When these terms expired, they were put in administrative detention.

10.   A dozen Kach and Kahane Chai activists, including Federman, were jailed after the massacre for several months without charges under administrative detention.

a. + detention >>共 234
juvenile 11.86%
indefinite 9.11%
arbitrary 5.05%
administrative 4.72%
illegal 4.13%
continued 4.06%
home 4.00%
federal 3.60%
pretrial 2.42%
pre-trial 2.29%
administrative + n. >>共 498
cost 5.83%
leave 4.60%
law 4.56%
assistant 3.48%
office 3.33%
reform 2.63%
duty 2.14%
officer 1.99%
court 1.82%
staff 1.65%
detention 1.53%
每页显示:    共 72