1.   And the Clinton administration intensified not-so-friendly efforts to persuade lenders to serve minorities.

2.   At home the administration has intensified its efforts to increase support for developing the oil reserves in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

3.   Meanwhile, the Clinton administration has intensified its drive to sell weapons systems to the Persian Gulf states, as have Great Britain, France and Russia.

4.   The administration has also intensified discussions with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees to help find ways to resettle Haitians.

5.   The administration is also intensifying its efforts, which have been successful so far, to persuade Western European countries and Japan not to furnish Iran with nuclear technology.

6.   The Clinton administration has intensified its drive to sell weapons systems to the gulf states, as have Great Britain, France and Russia.

7.   In recent weeks, the Bush administration has intensified its calls on Arafat to take steps to stop violence, while openly backing Israeli measures against Arafat.

8.   It sends a message that the Bush administration is intensifying its engagement in the Arab-Israeli conflict.

9.   Japan will be alert for any sign that the Bush administration may intensify old trade rivalries as the U.S. economy cools.

10.   Last November, he announced that his administration would intensify the program.

n. + intensify >>共 487
competition 3.93%
violence 3.18%
government 2.42%
force 2.27%
pressure 2.27%
debate 1.82%
police 1.74%
conflict 1.66%
attack 1.51%
campaign 1.44%
administration 0.98%
administration + v. >>共 791
be 7.82%
say 5.67%
have 3.46%
take 2.29%
want 2.24%
try 1.81%
make 1.59%
seek 1.59%
oppose 1.53%
consider 1.45%
intensify 0.07%
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