1.   And Bush administration aides have told the South Koreans that the chances of Pyongyang agreeing to all of the demands are low.

2.   Archer predicted they would resolve the remaining disagreements tomorrow, then meet with Clinton administration aides tomorrow or Wednesday.

3.   At that point, administration aides said one reason for the nomination was that he would easily win confirmation in the Republican-controlled Senate.

4.   A Republican aide picked up the tab for lunch and administration aides fetched soft drinks from the White House mess.

5.   Administration aides acknowledged that, from the president on down, White House officials have tried in recent days to focus attention on Gingrich.

6.   Administration aides are hoping that just the threat of vetoes could convince Republicans to temper their legislation.

7.   Administration aides said several options for financing a tax cut were under review, from reining in entitlements somewhat to seeking a change in the budget law.

8.   Administration aides suggested that the president himself was in danger Tuesday when terrorists hijacked four commercial jets and began flying them into landmark U.S. buildings.

9.   Alexander is a former Republican governor of Tennessee, Bush administration secretary of education, Nixon administration White House aide and millionaire.

10.   But administration aides sent conflicting signals on how Clinton would respond.

n. + aide >>共 139
campaign 28.45%
press 6.16%
gore 5.78%
security 5.50%
health 5.32%
administration 4.85%
staff 4.29%
leadership 3.92%
committee 3.73%
government 2.33%
administration + n. >>共 511
official 67.91%
policy 2.58%
building 1.59%
proposal 1.47%
plan 1.24%
effort 1.01%
source 0.88%
office 0.74%
aide 0.68%
spokesman 0.61%
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