1.   All staff must be given adequate training in health and safety.

2.   Apart from recruitment the greatest problem most armies faced was that of giving adequate training to their officers.

3.   Are staff given adequate training to enable them to undertake recruitment activities?

4.   Employees should also be given adequate training in fire safety precautions.

5.   Employees should also be given adequate training in safety precautions etc.

6.   It is unfair, however, to expect nurses to take on this new role and responsibility without adequate training and supervision.

7.   The first problem is that many young doctors do not get an adequate training.

8.   The report also emphasized the need for adequate training and supervision of personnel working in this area.

9.   There is no substitute for adequate training, instruction and supervision.

10.   They must be a priority target group, so we can prevent exploitation and discrimination and provide them with adequate training in health and safety and other matters.

a. + training >>共 802
military 10.29%
special 3.38%
formal 3.26%
vocational 2.90%
medical 2.42%
on-the-job 2.34%
pilot 2.13%
better 2.11%
additional 1.87%
professional 1.59%
adequate 0.70%
adequate + n. >>共 690
supply 5.27%
protection 3.70%
security 2.77%
care 2.10%
food 1.80%
resource 1.47%
time 1.43%
safeguard 1.37%
facility 1.20%
support 1.17%
training 1.17%
每页显示:    共 35