1.   After adequate dilatation of the tract, patency was maintained by the insertion of one or more Palmaz stents to cover the tract from portal to hepatic veing.

2.   After adequate initial dilatation, patients were instructed to attend for follow up at six to eight week intervals, or earlier in case of a recurrence of dysphagia.

3.   Only those patients who completed at least six months of follow up after adequate initial dilatation are included in the analysis of the long term results.

4.   Although corrosive strictures were very often multiple, long, and tight, initial adequate dilatation with complete relief of symptoms was achieved in most patients.

5.   It should, however, be mentioned that the number of sessions needed to achieve adequate dilatation was significantly higher in the corrosive group.

a. + dilatation >>共 8
endoscopic 35.00%
adequate 25.00%
initial 15.00%
colonic 5.00%
gaseous 5.00%
persistent 5.00%
profound 5.00%
subsequent 5.00%
adequate + n. >>共 690
supply 5.27%
protection 3.70%
security 2.77%
care 2.10%
food 1.80%
resource 1.47%
time 1.43%
safeguard 1.37%
facility 1.20%
support 1.17%
dilatation 0.17%
每页显示:    共 5