1.   But today I want to address three themes, that revolve around relationships.

2.   But more than ever, he reincarnated Matisse through works that directly addressed Matissean themes or incorporated his techniques and formal innovations.

3.   Each half-hour installment addresses themes at once universal and quintessentially American.

4.   Gosvener planned to address the theme when he teaches Sunday school at Montavilla Baptist Church in Portland, Ore.

5.   In these projects, he addressed important themes with a humorous but often bitter point of view.

6.   Once again, a little show at the Gardner addresses large themes.

7.   Statues on the four faces of the building address the themes of justice, law and order and technology as well as the different peoples of the planet.

8.   The exhibit addresses several themes.

9.   The poems address themes of love and race, and for many residents they spring from a cultivated African-American identity.

10.   Then I ponder what sort of character and what sort of conditions will allow me to address these themes in this landscape.

v. + theme >>共 343
have 5.05%
explore 4.15%
echo 4.15%
repeat 3.79%
develop 2.98%
use 2.43%
emphasize 2.07%
continue 1.98%
introduce 1.80%
stress 1.80%
address 1.44%
address + n. >>共 1243
issue 13.86%
problem 9.10%
concern 5.95%
question 3.32%
crowd 2.58%
nation 2.32%
need 1.86%
conference 1.73%
meeting 1.49%
rally 1.42%
theme 0.16%
每页显示:    共 16