1.   Later, an officer telephoned for additional details.

2.   Additional details of other entries that may be found in the certificate are set out later in this chapter.

3.   Also provided are computer links to other sites, perhaps even to the home page of the militia movement, so viewers can browse for additional detail.

4.   And each listing includes a brief description of the trip with additional practical details as side bar data.

5.   Apollo would not comment on additional details of the sale.

6.   A Carnival Cruise spokeswoman confirmed that three officers had been put off the ship in the Grand Caymans, but said that additional details were not immediately available.

7.   Additional details of the next sale, scheduled for later this month, were not immediately available.

8.   Additional details will be announced this spring.

9.   Additional details will be available in subsequent SEC filings.

10.   Administration officials said they had recently learned additional details of the welfare compromise that led them to conclude that it was unacceptable.

a. + detail >>共 488
further 35.62%
no 6.21%
financial 3.42%
final 2.80%
immediate 2.71%
additional 2.37%
new 2.00%
full 1.69%
any 1.61%
specific 1.54%
additional + n. >>共 1347
information 2.66%
money 2.31%
charge 2.11%
detail 1.67%
fund 1.53%
cost 1.48%
security 1.22%
troop 0.94%
test 0.90%
revenue 0.88%
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