1.   Opposition leaders said the killing added weight to their demands for a change in government.

2.   Assignments are, consequently, felt to be given added weight by the passage of time.

3.   But the discussion did give added weight to the demand for reform at a time when concepts of national interest were more frequently deployed -- wartime.

4.   A damned dangerous architectural feature if you ask me, which added weight to my theory that the pub must have been designed by a feminist with a grudge.

5.   The figures give added weight to fears of the development of a hole in the ozone layer over the Arctic.

6.   And so far Giambi has seen only good things result from the added weight and strength.

7.   Because midterm elections rarely attract big turnouts, surveys of likely voters take on added weight.

8.   Being gay is just an added weight.

9.   A. The added weight of the new shingles might increase the bow.

10.   Added weight fell from the car during his qualifying run.

a. + weight >>共 581
extra 3.77%
heavy 3.28%
great 3.05%
considerable 2.90%
full 2.90%
light 2.56%
added 2.41%
lifting 2.18%
excess 2.18%
greater 2.03%
added + n. >>共 848
cost 3.87%
pressure 3.58%
bonus 3.03%
benefit 2.88%
security 2.50%
incentive 2.39%
advantage 1.89%
weight 1.86%
burden 1.51%
protection 1.46%
每页显示:    共 64