1.   But hospital administrators say their institutions must adapt to survive.

2.   Climbers have demonstrated, sometimes against scientific predictions, how the body can adapt to survive in hostile environments.

3.   Even private bankers to the very rich are not immune to sour markets, and must adapt to survive.

4.   But as competition intensified, Cazenove recognized the need to adapt in order to survive.

5.   In the vacuum pack, the fruit quickly adapted to survive in a new environment of very low oxygen.

v. + survive >>共 102
be 15.49%
fight 8.41%
do 7.52%
merge 5.31%
battle 2.65%
need 2.65%
adapt 2.21%
have 2.21%
must 2.21%
steal 1.77%
adapt + v. >>共 38
meet 11.29%
survive 8.06%
change 8.06%
use 6.45%
carry 4.84%
allow 3.23%
be 3.23%
suit 3.23%
bring 3.23%
live 3.23%
每页显示:    共 5