1.   Availability of resources and their actual use seem frequently to bear little relationship to each other.

2.   Can you imagine advanced scientific methods divorced from the policy and ethics of their actual use?

3.   Analysts said that the challenge for the new venture would be the actual human use of the system.

4.   And in actual use over static-filled lines, they may never even attain this speed.

5.   And the finish line is really a starting line, as far as making actual use of the completed body of knowledge is concerned.

6.   Any actual use of the tribunals are still months in the future, and may never be used, officials familiar with the program said.

7.   Biogen argued that the drug did not cause many problems in actual use.

8.   A demonstrable violation of the BWC or an incident of actual use would be late in the sequence of dangerous development.

9.   But how does such an ambitious project work in actual use?

10.   But he noted that the review did not represent a contingency plan for the actual use of nuclear weapons.

a. + use >>共 678
widespread 3.34%
good 2.98%
personal 2.43%
commercial 2.17%
possible 2.13%
increased 1.82%
new 1.81%
military 1.79%
better 1.59%
medical 1.52%
actual 0.33%
actual + n. >>共 1867
number 3.74%
cost 1.84%
figure 1.29%
vote 1.23%
amount 1.08%
event 1.02%
harm 0.88%
work 0.81%
sale 0.74%
fact 0.73%
use 0.59%
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