1.   Actual bodily harm need not be serious harm and it has been held to include a hysterical and nervous condition.

2.   He was charged with unlawfully and maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm and with assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

3.   In court Diaz admitted charges of inflicting grievous bodily harm and affray and Walker admitted affray and assault causing actual bodily harm.

4.   Mr McLean, for his part, will offer a guilty plea to the charge of actual bodily harm.

5.   They were afraid that he would do them some actual physical harm.

6.   If Donovan is correct a bite during love-making would appear to be actual bodily harm.

a. + harm >>共 156
bodily 23.86%
grievous 11.19%
serious 7.31%
irreparable 5.07%
physical 5.07%
actual 4.33%
great 3.36%
potential 2.98%
economic 2.54%
environmental 2.01%
actual + n. >>共 1867
number 3.74%
cost 1.84%
figure 1.29%
vote 1.23%
amount 1.08%
event 1.02%
harm 0.88%
work 0.81%
sale 0.74%
fact 0.73%
每页显示:    共 58