1.   Any cognitive activity seems to be dominated by the perceptual aspects.

2.   On the face of it, such activity would seem to be more expressive of right-wing rather than left-wing sentiments.

3.   Where Disabled people are involved, almost every activity of life seems to have to be justified in terms of its medical and therapeutic benefits.

4.   But he says the public should be just as concerned about big time criminals, although their activities might seem more remote.

5.   All this espionage activity seems excessive.

6.   But after more than a year of the current round of violence, such activities seem futile.

7.   But it appears that the cafe has been attracting too much attention and too boldly flouting the law, no matter how mellow its activities might seem.

8.   His legal activities seem to be strictly professional, although he unwisely flaunted his conservative political leanings by associating with Clinton foes during this sensitive period.

9.   If all the activity seems confusing, cruise industry observers say that what has happened in Houston and Galveston is fairly ordinary for any new market.

10.   In Jakarta on Sunday, the most activity seemed to be at the airport, as the evacuation of foreigners continued.

n. + seem >>共 1552
people 2.07%
investor 1.12%
thing 1.12%
side 0.82%
official 0.77%
player 0.72%
government 0.62%
team 0.61%
company 0.60%
problem 0.59%
activity 0.08%
activity + v. >>共 478
be 30.88%
include 5.60%
remain 2.56%
increase 2.23%
continue 2.00%
slow 1.91%
take 1.91%
pick_up 1.61%
have 1.43%
come 1.19%
seem 0.77%
每页显示:    共 26