1.   An approach which tries to formulate how such knowledge is brought into play is speech act theory.

2.   Could speech act theory have helped them Decide?

3.   Along the way, a great deal of information about speech act theory, and about work which has developed and challenged it, is presented clearly and coherently.

4.   One simple way of describing this difference is to say that speech act theory is interested in the social rather than the cognitive aspects of language.

5.   In fact, he suggests that speech act theory and deconstruction complement, rather than contradict, each other.

n. + theory >>共 572
chaos 4.17%
string 2.72%
music 2.64%
defense 2.64%
missile 2.38%
management 2.30%
misappropriation 1.36%
act 1.36%
speech 1.36%
market 1.36%
act + n. >>共 86
theory 13.45%
manslaughter 6.72%
campaign 2.52%
doctrine 2.52%
money 2.52%
call 1.68%
do 1.68%
charge 1.68%
measure 1.68%
rule 1.68%
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