1.   All of which has acted to push up prices.

2.   He added that the Fed could still act to push up rates this year, despite the political fallout in doing so before an election.

3.   That news came just after the Fed acted to push up short-term interest rates.

4.   High pressure in the Atlantic, north of our area is acting to push the clouds and showers west.

5.   High pressure over Florida is acting to push this cold front steadily southward.

6.   High pressure located over the western Atlantic will continue moving eastward today and will act to push this old boundary over or very near to our islands.

7.   This acted to push this front southward and across our islands.

8.   The market seemed cheered by remarks by Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan that the US central bank would act to push down interest rates if prices were contained.

v. + push >>共 126
combine 9.06%
use 7.87%
be 5.51%
will 4.33%
act 3.15%
fight 3.15%
work 2.76%
do 1.97%
intervene 1.97%
say 1.57%
act + v. >>共 296
prevent 9.24%
protect 7.61%
stop 5.22%
accord 4.57%
ensure 1.85%
end 1.85%
make 1.63%
save 1.52%
reduce 1.52%
halt 1.41%
push 0.87%
每页显示:    共 8