1.   One way of doing this is to accuse teachers of failing to teach relevant skills and attitudes.

2.   Some politically active teachers were accused of trying to indoctrinate their students.

3.   The Education Secretary accuses teachers of wanting to return to a dark age.

4.   The teacher was accused of forcing his political beliefs on impressionable teenagers.

5.   He accused the teacher of showing favoritism in assigning grades.

6.   And it certainly never would have occurred to him to accuse my teachers of anything other than trying to drum an education into my thick, unyielding skull.

7.   Brand accuses the teacher of refusing to pair her up with other students, insisting she use Ryan as her partner.

8.   How Greg Strong reputedly accused a teacher of witchcraft when she used candles and dimmed lights to teach mood for a section on Edgar Allen Poe.

9.   Schmalensee stingingly accuses his teacher of elementary error.

10.   She tells of a recent situation involving a school in the East Valley, where a teacher was accused of fondling children.

v. + teacher >>共 528
hire 6.30%
train 4.25%
have 2.71%
include 2.24%
kill 2.19%
find 2.10%
pay 2.05%
recruit 1.63%
say 1.59%
fire 1.45%
accuse 0.93%
accuse + n. >>共 529
government 15.04%
police 4.24%
official 3.03%
company 2.75%
authority 2.75%
rebel 2.29%
leader 2.26%
troop 2.05%
man 1.75%
force 1.71%
teacher 0.18%
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