1.   An safety board report concluded the ground crew had not removed accumulated snow from the engine inlets or installed the proper inlet covers the night before.

2.   After each use, brush off accumulated snow.

3.   If within a period, the accumulated snow melts partly or completely, then the greatest snow depth achieved in that period is recorded as the snow measurement.

4.   Vents arrayed along the length of the gate would spray compressed, cool air onto the car as it moved, blowing accumulated snow off the vehicle.

a. + snow >>共 520
heavy 21.50%
light 12.74%
wet 4.27%
fresh 3.00%
deep 2.92%
scattered 2.75%
patchy 2.62%
melting 2.41%
new 1.88%
intermittent 1.53%
accumulated 0.10%
accumulated + n. >>共 180
debt 5.17%
wealth 4.31%
juice 3.74%
profit 2.87%
loss 2.87%
point 2.59%
wisdom 2.59%
saving 2.01%
deficit 1.72%
mile 1.72%
snow 1.15%
每页显示:    共 4