1.   As in many other parts of Enron, accounting gimmicks and gamesmanship created the illusion of an active business.

2.   Breathless hype about the dawn of a new gravity-defying era and accounting gimmicks are no substitute for real profits.

3.   But cooler heads narrowly prevailed and the Constitution was never burdened with that particular dangerous accounting gimmick.

4.   But the White House has insisted that the Medicare surplus is nothing but an accounting gimmick and should not be treated differently from regular tax revenues.

5.   He objected on principle to tinkering with the Constitution for an accounting gimmick that could strangle legislative flexibility.

6.   In any case, Daniels said, it is meaningless to measure fiscal health relative to the Medicare surplus, which he described as an accounting gimmick.

7.   It was able to eke out the billion dollars through an accounting gimmick that calculated general revenues in a new and more favorable way to increase the surplus margin.

8.   The Legislature, however, approved an accounting gimmick that allowed the banks to avoid paying any of this to the policyholders, the suit says.

9.   The plan was immediately questioned by Democrats and some Republicans, who called it an accounting gimmick that could hurt people on the lower rungs of the economic ladder.

10.   To some degree, the approach is an accounting gimmick.

a. + gimmick >>共 164
marketing 14.63%
promotional 7.86%
new 4.34%
political 4.07%
accounting 3.79%
fiscal 2.98%
fund-raising 2.17%
advertising 1.63%
latest 1.63%
budgetary 1.63%
accounting + n. >>共 262
firm 21.90%
practice 6.76%
rule 6.47%
standard 5.26%
method 4.13%
industry 3.30%
system 3.21%
office 3.17%
problem 2.42%
change 2.29%
gimmick 0.58%
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