1.   Members of the policy and resources committee agreed the Government had also failed to take into account inflation, changes in grants and transitional arrangements.

2.   Deputy Energy and Mines Minister Evanan Romero said a rate increase would take into account projected inflation for the year and the exchange rate.

3.   The government has been working on a new rate fixing mechanism for the last year, which would take into account inflation and quality of service.

4.   The percentage changes take into account inflation.

5.   While the government increased projections for economic growth, it cut estimates for nominal growth, or growth that takes into account inflation or deflation.

6.   Taking into account inflation, even at current prices oil remains a bargain, Molano notes.

7.   The figures take into account inflation and shifts in the dollar.

8.   He said the authority would take into account inflation on the international transport markets to give reductions to the bigger ships.

9.   However, the rise does not reflect the real growth in the economy because it does not take into account inflation.

10.   The figures are seasonally adjusted but do not take into account inflation.

n. + inflation >>共 182
price 15.52%
consumer 10.83%
grade 7.46%
wage 5.54%
fuel 3.85%
year 3.13%
core 2.17%
retail 1.93%
concern 1.68%
optimism 1.68%
account 1.20%
account + n. >>共 328
holder 12.32%
number 8.06%
information 4.90%
manager 4.19%
balance 4.19%
statement 3.87%
receivable 3.48%
director 2.69%
book 2.37%
department 1.66%
inflation 0.79%
每页显示:    共 10