1.   A profit and loss account includes revenues and expenses relevant to an accounting period and shows the resulting profit or loss.

2.   Other accounts include the few private accounts the Bank still maintains for historical reasons, the accounts of overseas central banks and the accounts of its own staff.

3.   And the account includes a money market fund, which brokers debit when securities are bought.

4.   Burnett, whose other Disney accounts include Disneyland and Walt Disney World, was awarded the cruise line account without a formal review.

5.   During his advertising career, his accounts included such companies as British Airways, IBM, Citicorp, General Foods, Hallmark and Mercedes-Benz.

6.   For example, Piaba said, agreements investors sign to open a brokerage account often include restrictions on how a dispute can be resolved.

7.   Her account includes a disquisition on the glass harmonica, an esoteric instrument, invented by Benjamin Franklin, that is used on the album.

8.   His personal accounts have included Raytheon Co. in Lexington and Tyco International in Exeter, N.H..

9.   His accounts included Dr. Martens, The Oregonian and the Oregon State Lottery.

10.   His accounts included the London Zoo.

n. + include >>共 1161
package 1.87%
group 1.67%
list 1.51%
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dead 0.87%
account 0.08%
account + v. >>共 338
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say 6.39%
have 2.50%
differ 2.34%
suggest 2.29%
include 1.97%
make 1.60%
appear 1.39%
describe 1.17%
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