1.   Salop said the government had taken into account concern about severely disrupting the lives of Microsoft employees.

2.   That means authorities would have greater leeway in developing management plans that take into account concerns from private landowners.

3.   Their agreement took into account concerns in Europe that the United States was advocating a global role for NATO, U.S. officials said.

4.   American Airlines has also pledged to take into account pilot concerns over staffing on regional routes.

5.   Ankara has expressed satisfaction with the agreement, which also takes into account Turkish security concerns.

6.   The Russian government has argued that the treaty was negotiated by the former Soviet Union and does not take into account new security concerns in the region.

7.   The statement said that there was a need to take into account European concerns over special preferential agreements reached between some East Asian countries and the United States.

8.   One diplomat said that it took into account Russian concerns voiced during earlier discussions between Solana and Primakov.

9.   Sustainable development refers to the idea of achieving continued economic growth which takes into account environmental concerns and planning, and the fact that natural resources are finite ones.

n. + concern >>共 659
security 26.86%
safety 10.94%
investor 6.54%
health 4.55%
privacy 3.16%
inflation 2.51%
government 1.15%
consumer 1.00%
business 0.76%
weather 0.74%
account 0.19%
account + n. >>共 328
holder 12.32%
number 8.06%
information 4.90%
manager 4.19%
balance 4.19%
statement 3.87%
receivable 3.48%
director 2.69%
book 2.37%
department 1.66%
concern 0.71%
每页显示:    共 9