1.   That accord said affiliates could be held responsible if Daiwa or Rowayton defaulted on foreign-exchange contracts.

2.   The accord said a mechanism would be created before the end of next week to evaluate periodically how the rebels use the territory.

3.   The accord says that the U.S. must make a fair comparison between prices here and abroad.

4.   The Dayton accords say local law-enforcement authorities should arrest those indicted for war crimes.

5.   The settlement was to be overseen by a mediator, even though that person would have no standing to set damage awards, the accord said.

6.   Though the accord said all demobilized soldiers were supposed to turn in a working weapon, more than half brought nothing and others brought only broken weapons.

7.   Although the accord did not say so explicitly, Palestinians assumed the eventual result would be independence.

8.   Croatian Serbs expect Bosnian government forces to refrain from attacking them across the border, the accord said.

9.   In return, they expect Bosnian government forces to refrain from attacking them across the border, the accord said.

10.   Interim peace accords say if the Palestinians put suspects on trial, they do not have to hand them over to Israel.

n. + say >>共 480
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accord 0%
accord + v. >>共 388
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