1.   The Dayton accord had envisaged that most refugees would have returned home, and the elections would knit the country back together and restore its multiethnic mix.

2.   A Western-designed peace accord envisages constitutional changes that would meet some of the demands, but the accord has faced numerous obstacles from Macedonian hard-liners in parliament.

3.   The accords envisage large-scale joint projects in power indsutry, transport and military supplies.

4.   The accord also envisages Autogrill selling Burger King products in some of its outlets.

5.   The accord also envisages total disarmament of the IRA and pro-British Protestant paramilitary groups by May.

6.   The accord envisages limited autonomy for the southeastern region, an area of dense forests and hills rich in timber with possible natural gas resources.

7.   The Dayton accord envisaged the Bosnian Serb- and Muslim-Croat-controlled two halves of Bosnia, united with joint institutions.

8.   The economic accords envisage large-scale joint projects in power, transportation and military supplies.

9.   The new accord envisages tariff-free trade exchange on all items, except a partial exemption on garment, shoes, chocolate, biscuits and mineral water.

10.   The peace accord envisages a more neutral phrasing that would put all ethnic groups on an equal footing.

n. + envisage >>共 83
plan 14.02%
accord 7.95%
agreement 6.82%
law 6.06%
proposal 6.06%
deal 4.17%
budget 3.03%
program 2.65%
document 1.89%
draft 1.89%
accord + v. >>共 388
be 16.63%
call 5.24%
provide 3.63%
allow 2.77%
sign 2.55%
give 2.01%
have 1.90%
come 1.83%
include 1.76%
reach 1.65%
envisage 0.75%
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