1.   Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and PLO leader Yasser Arafat urged quick implementation on Sunday of the Israel-PLO accord expanding Palestinian autonomy on the West Bank.

2.   Mubarak met Rabin in Washington last week during the signing of the Israeli-PLO accord expanding Palestinian autonomy on the West Bank.

3.   Syria predicted on Monday an upsurge in violence on the West Bank and Gaza Strip because of the Israel-PLO accord expanding Palestinian autonomy.

4.   The Arab press in the Gulf expressed concern on Monday about the true benefits of the Israel-PLO accord expanding Palestinian autonomy in the West Bank.

5.   The Armenian separatists who control the territory are calling for independence or federation with neighbouring Armenia, while Azerbaijan is willing only to accord cultural autonomy.

n. + autonomy >>共 48
province 10.34%
accord 5.75%
management 5.75%
region 5.75%
university 5.75%
minority 4.60%
government 3.45%
island 3.45%
teacher 3.45%
bank 2.30%
accord + n. >>共 90
call 19.08%
work 5.78%
autonomy 2.89%
remains 2.31%
set 2.31%
ending 1.73%
fair 1.73%
bar 1.73%
forsees 1.73%
priority 1.73%
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