1.   Accompanying videos show the robot performing on Wall Street, with Ms. Torimitsu walking beside him dressed as a nurse and occasionally tending to him with a screwdriver.

2.   Film of his last wind sprint on Thursday would have worked nicely for the accompanying MTV video.

3.   Olympic skater Nancy Kerrigan and Olympic decathlete Dave Johnson, who demonstrate the slide in its accompanying video, seem to equate the slide with the Second Coming.

4.   The accompanying video parodies the park incident and features Michael dressed in a police uniform.

5.   The accompanying video builds to a stunning freeze-frame shot of students and teachers covered with blood.

6.   The accompanying video continues to sell well, hitting quintuple-platinum status.

7.   The accompanying video features a cameo by Collins.

8.   The songs and accompanying videos salute with a street-corner directness the appeal of the female posterior.

9.   With the accompanying video, it is not hard to learn.

10.   Even if you cannot afford the accompanying video, the book alone is worth every cent of its price.

a. + video >>共 562
digital 6.22%
pornographic 3.61%
training 3.26%
interactive 3.02%
live 2.96%
new 2.96%
promotional 2.55%
instructional 2.43%
amateur 2.25%
short 1.24%
accompanying 0.59%
accompanying + n. >>共 463
editorial 5.21%
article 4.15%
chart 2.77%
text 2.23%
photo 1.70%
commentary 1.60%
letter 1.28%
statement 1.17%
music 1.06%
photograph 1.06%
video 1.06%
每页显示:    共 10