1.   The accompanying text pages explore these questions and give definite answers as a basis for discussion.

2.   Any accompanying text must be submitted in English, however.

3.   Audubon uses multiple photographs to depict the birds but relegates identification information to the accompanying text.

4.   Birds are painstakingly rendered in their natural settings, which the accompanying text, written by two brothers from Fort Worth, Texas, illuminates.

5.   Accompanying text fills in biographical details.

6.   Accompanying text points out unusual features, such as a masonry heater and painted, decorative chests.

7.   But the accompanying text of the resolutions characteristically take a belligerent tone.

8.   Each inmate pictured has some accompanying text designed by Wou, allowing the criminals to tell their stories, some truthful, some obvious lies.

9.   In the accompanying text, she sought to gently educate the reader about the values of organic gardening.

10.   The accompanying text traces his life in detail and with candor about both triumph and tragedy.

a. + text >>共 628
full 7.46%
prepared 4.13%
final 3.19%
religious 2.72%
ancient 2.39%
sacred 2.35%
new 2.25%
original 1.78%
literary 1.74%
biblical 1.50%
accompanying 0.98%
accompanying + n. >>共 463
editorial 5.21%
article 4.15%
chart 2.77%
text 2.23%
photo 1.70%
commentary 1.60%
letter 1.28%
statement 1.17%
music 1.06%
photograph 1.06%
每页显示:    共 21