1.   The major task is now to remove the aircraft wreckage from the accident site.

2.   Traffic ground to a halt as it approached the accident site.

3.   Traffic slowed to a crawl as we approached the accident site.

4.   If necessary, please include a scale plan of the accident site and any photographs that are required.

5.   Accident investigator PC Philip Elwood said just before the accident site there was a sign saying it was a clear way for six miles.

6.   And it is not clear how state officials will make sure that everyone who lives close to an accident site and needs the pills will get them.

7.   And some gathered during their free periods at the accident site, where they had set up a similar memorial with flowers and notes.

8.   -- If the families express a desire for a monument at the accident site...consult with the family of each passenger about its construction, including any inscription.

9.   A makeshift medical triage unit was set up in a supermarket adjacent to the accident site.

10.   But it is unclear whether the British craft can make it to the accident site in time.

n. + site >>共 646
crash 10.42%
construction 7.97%
test 3.03%
weapon 2.80%
storage 2.54%
tourist 2.14%
auction 2.12%
missile 1.44%
accident 1.39%
bomb 1.31%
accident + n. >>共 170
site 14.06%
victim 11.53%
scene 10.68%
rate 8.62%
report 7.59%
investigator 5.34%
investigation 3.75%
inquiry 1.87%
estimate 1.59%
statistic 1.31%
每页显示:    共 149