1.   And each local government, to avoid a federal lawsuit, agreed to accept federal oversight to ensure that changes would be instituted.

2.   And can religious groups accept government oversight and stay true to their missions?

3.   He accepts federal oversight, although he stresses local control of schools.

4.   In China, that means that Christian churches that accept the oversight of the government have been allowed to grow, even thrive.

5.   Philip Morris Inc., which has fought FDA regulation in the past, now says it would accept some oversight.

6.   Over the past six years, he has forgone billions of dollars in oil revenues rather than accept U.N. oversight.

v. + oversight >>共 157
have 9.07%
provide 5.65%
tighten 4.64%
improve 4.23%
exercise 4.23%
strengthen 4.03%
correct 3.83%
include 3.23%
give 2.42%
increase 2.42%
accept 1.21%
accept + n. >>共 1100
offer 4.34%
invitation 3.07%
resignation 2.95%
responsibility 2.61%
money 2.36%
plan 2.18%
proposal 1.86%
bribe 1.80%
job 1.45%
donation 1.09%
oversight 0.03%
每页显示:    共 6