1.   Abusive behavior starts in the heart of one person, but eventually the whole system is defiled.

2.   Boot camp leaders tell new recruits about their rights, and encourage them to file grievances if faced with abusive behavior.

3.   Abusive behavior toward animals.

4.   But interviews in several neighborhoods have shown that significant numbers of black and Latino cops are among those who are enthusiastically engaging in abusive behavior.

5.   But she made it clear that Kirby does not approve of abusive behavior.

6.   Chicago police commanders try to recognize and curb potentially abusive behavior long before it becomes criminal.

7.   Civilian courts should have final jurisdiction over cases of abusive military behavior toward citizens.

8.   Delaney also said Long would not have condoned any abusive behavior by his counselors.

9.   Gary Namie conducts strategy sessions with bullying victims and their spouses, helping them come up with ways to defuse the abusive behavior and keep their careers going.

10.   He credits intensive staff training, banning sexually aggressive students and stopping abusive behavior before it escalates.

a. + behavior >>共 1130
good 7.14%
human 4.01%
bad 3.25%
sexual 3.07%
criminal 2.10%
violent 2.05%
best 1.86%
aggressive 1.73%
risky 1.52%
erratic 1.48%
abusive 0.74%
abusive + n. >>共 188
relationship 9.90%
priest 8.56%
husband 6.97%
language 5.26%
behavior 5.13%
parent 4.03%
father 3.18%
home 2.32%
partner 2.20%
spouse 2.08%
每页显示:    共 42