1.   At US Airways, Siegel succeeds Stephen M. Wolf, who reassumed the position of chief executive in late November after the abrupt resignation of Rakesh Gangwal.

2.   But success on the streets has come despite chaos at police headquarters that late last month led to the abrupt resignation of Police Chief Larry Soulsby.

3.   Even now, neither Holtz nor Notre Dame officials will discuss his abrupt resignation from the Irish beyond the superficial.

4.   His abrupt resignation is effective immediately and came through a letter to Minister of Finance Surakiart Sathirathai.

5.   It had much to do with the abrupt resignation this month of the former finance minister, Oskar Lafontaine.

6.   National Basketball Association players were portrayed Tuesday as being outraged that they have not been informed of the reasons behind the abrupt resignation of their union leader.

7.   Other changes at the top of the government were caused by the abrupt resignation of Brian Tobin, the industry minister.

8.   Precipitating his departure was the abrupt resignation of Mo Ostin, who had enjoyed autonomy and was responsible for artists such as Madonna, Eric Clapton and REM.

9.   RESIGNATION HELPS GERMAN MARKET The German stock market soared one day after the abrupt resignation of Oskar Lafontaine, the finance minister.

10.   Success on the streets has come to Washington despite chaos at police headquarters that late last month led to the abrupt resignation of Police Chief Larry Soulsby.

a. + resignation >>共 187
mass 10.10%
forced 7.50%
sudden 5.48%
immediate 4.91%
formal 3.61%
recent 3.46%
abrupt 3.17%
possible 2.74%
imminent 2.31%
second 2.16%
abrupt + n. >>共 203
change 11.89%
end 10.72%
halt 9.69%
departure 5.30%
reversal 2.84%
resignation 2.84%
shift 2.84%
withdrawal 1.94%
about-face 1.68%
dismissal 1.55%
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