1.   And she has taken a stand for abortion rights in voting for a groundbreaking bill that made it illegal for abortion protesters to blockade abortion clinics.

2.   And the Rev. David Trosch, a well-known abortion protester, said that efforts by the Justice Department to send a signal are futile.

3.   As a U.S. attorney in Buffalo, Vacco, who is personally opposed to abortion, resisted enforcing a court order against abortion protesters blocking a clinic entrance.

4.   Abortion protesters were mixed in their responses.

5.   Buffalo has been among a handful of hot spots for abortion protesters for the last decade.

6.   Dinwiddie was the first abortion protester in the country to be placed under a permanent injunction since the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances law was passed last year.

7.   Fellow dissenting Justice Kennedy, who also read from the bench, said the court was shortchanging the free-speech rights of abortion protesters.

8.   For years, abortion protesters picketed the New Woman, All Women Health Care Clinic near downtown Birmingham, waving signs, screaming, blocking the sidewalk.

9.   Generally, challenges to legal restrictions on abortion protesters have not fared well before the high court.

10.   Hartnett said ideology had nothing to do with that, but Carhart believes that the partnership wants to move abortion protesters into the house.

n. + protester >>共 133
student 38.31%
anti-globalization 8.00%
opposition 6.31%
abortion 5.23%
right 3.23%
tax 3.08%
woman 2.62%
war 1.85%
peace 1.38%
campus 1.23%
abortion + n. >>共 246
right 30.46%
clinic 10.74%
opponent 8.36%
issue 6.83%
foe 3.17%
debate 2.52%
provider 2.38%
law 2.23%
procedure 2.03%
advocate 1.98%
protester 0.84%
每页显示:    共 34