1.   An eerie quiet has come over many of the usually clamorous sources of abortion opposition.

2.   Bush supports a constitutional ban on flag burning and opposes using abortion opposition as a litmus test for Supreme Court appointments.

3.   Bush is struggling to find a way to satisfy the anti-abortion GOP right without being dragged into all-out abortion opposition.

4.   It is clear that, at least for the foreseeable future, abortion and abortion opposition are both here to stay.

5.   Republicans opposed to abortion consistently express opposition to Ridge, especially after his recent suggestion that the anti-abortion plank be removed from the national Republican platform.

6.   Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali voiced optimism Tuesday about the UN population and development conference in Cairo, despite Vatican abortion opposition and boycotts by some Moslem states.

n. + opposition >>共 169
right-wing 16.23%
center-right 9.50%
government 4.82%
community 4.53%
anti-taliban 4.24%
face 3.65%
left-wing 3.65%
party 2.78%
neighborhood 2.19%
labor 1.61%
abortion 0.88%
abortion + n. >>共 246
right 30.46%
clinic 10.74%
opponent 8.36%
issue 6.83%
foe 3.17%
debate 2.52%
provider 2.38%
law 2.23%
procedure 2.03%
advocate 1.98%
opposition 0.15%
每页显示:    共 6