1.   But as more information emerged, law enforcement officials began dampening speculation that the incident was connected to the abortion controversy.

2.   And they burst into a bonfire with the abortion controversy.

3.   At Catholic University, he traced the roots of the abortion controversy in the United States back to colonial days.

4.   But now Powell has carried the abortion controversy to an even higher level of national attention by openly daring the right wing to do its worst.

5.   In an interview with Peter Jennings on ABC News that aired last night, Dole touched on the abortion controversy.

6.   In his speech Sunday, Bush did not mention the abortion controversy.

7.   Maybe my need to give another view, an intimately personal view, into the public abortion controversy.

8.   Republicans issued their own warning, advising Clinton to steer clear of the abortion controversy with his next choice for surgeon general.

9.   Some legal experts said abortion controversies had kept the courts from re-examining the rights of unborn babies in malpractice cases.

10.   A compromise has been widely accepted in the abortion controversy which has held up the UN population conference, delegates said.

n. + controversy >>共 295
quarterback 20.72%
drug 4.70%
election 4.14%
campaign 2.49%
flag 1.66%
ethic 1.66%
abortion 1.52%
recount 1.24%
year 1.24%
court 1.10%
abortion + n. >>共 246
right 30.46%
clinic 10.74%
opponent 8.36%
issue 6.83%
foe 3.17%
debate 2.52%
provider 2.38%
law 2.23%
procedure 2.03%
advocate 1.98%
controversy 0.27%
每页显示:    共 11