1.   Arthur Dunkel, secretary-general, had proposed abolishing all quotas in favour of setting tariffs.

2.   Abolish quotas on imports of legitimate film and audio products, undercutting demand for pirated goods.

3.   He again called for abolishing racial quotas, cracking down on immigration and striving for economic nationalism, including virtually eliminating foreign aid.

4.   It was Viktor Chernomyrdin, the professedly pro-reform prime minister, who demanded that Yeltsin change his mind about abolishing quotas.

5.   And Washington is demanding the quota be abolished or phased out as an unfair trade practice.

6.   China recently abolished quotas that forced banks to lend to state firms regardless of their ability to repay.

7.   Let us abolish quotas...

8.   Let us abolish quotas and set aside these un-American devices that reward people based on the color of their skin or what continent their kinfolk came from.

v. + quota >>共 234
set 8.16%
meet 6.82%
impose 5.79%
fish 3.93%
have 2.79%
increase 2.69%
fill 2.17%
oppose 2.17%
raise 2.07%
use 1.96%
abolish 0.83%
abolish + n. >>共 316
law 3.79%
tax 3.61%
control 3.35%
program 2.90%
slavery 2.73%
system 2.55%
agency 2.46%
monarchy 2.46%
post 2.38%
requirement 1.94%
quota 0.70%
每页显示:    共 8