1.   These will involve their giving notice to the tenant and his being able to withhold consent if it is reasonable for him to do so.

2.   And this whole concept of intellectual-property creation and then being able to protect content or intellectual property is key.

3.   But right now, the term computer-literate usually just refers to the ability to use a few commercial products and being able to smoothly touch-type.

4.   I talk about expertise and experience and being able to deliver results.

5.   In addition to your being able to benefit from face-to-face counseling, state and local regulators are at your disposal if problems arise.

6.   Moderation and being able to downshift will be prized commodities, and the people who figure out how to do the downshifting will be celebrated.

7.   That, and being able to channel his aggression into making tackles.

8.   The key to success, Miller argues, is not only the product but being able to market the concept itself.

9.   Adam says he misses his school, now a Russian command post, and being able to play in the green fields close by.

a. + being >>共 397
well 4.47%
living 3.35%
first 2.48%
whole 2.23%
alien 1.74%
supernatural 1.61%
very 1.61%
divine 1.49%
intelligent 1.49%
latter 1.36%
able 1.12%
able + n. >>共 445
people 3.67%
company 3.06%
team 2.20%
body 1.84%
candidate 1.84%
man 1.71%
player 1.59%
one 1.35%
person 1.22%
being 1.10%
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