1.   One dealt with the issue of mixed ability teaching as a separate issue.

2.   I think the general point would be really a favourable impression of mixed ability teaching.

3.   Again, this is certainly a worry that is often talked about in terms of mixed ability teaching.

4.   What proportion of comprehensive schools now have mixed ability teaching?

5.   Well I hope to look more at mixed ability teaching.

6.   Well again this is certainly a worry that is often talked about in terms of mixed ability teaching.

7.   You are, then, in favour of mixed ability teaching in comprehensive schools?

8.   What proportions of comprehensive schools now have mixed ability teaching?

n. + teaching >>共 80
language 12.60%
history 8.54%
deviationist 6.10%
classroom 5.69%
science 5.69%
job 4.88%
ability 4.47%
time 4.07%
substitute 3.66%
university 2.44%
ability + n. >>共 56
level 14.02%
teaching 10.28%
test 7.48%
class 6.54%
have 3.74%
grouping 2.80%
group 2.80%
bonus 1.87%
aside 1.87%
assessment 1.87%
每页显示:    共 11