1.   Port Leone on Kastus is an abandoned village, a favourite spot for the barbecue.

2.   Stone ruins were dotted about the site, several yards apart, like an abandoned village whose streets had turned to pastureland.

3.   At night, he and hundreds of other men searched desperately for food in abandoned villages nearby.

4.   Abandoned villages are being reclaimed house by house.

5.   Even in Lebanon, once the only country in the Middle East with more Christians than Muslims, abandoned villages bear witness to a precipitous exodus.

6.   Further down the road, when we passed another abandoned village with a single, burning house, I looked at the Serbian journalists again.

7.   Inside the neighborhood, the twisting cobblestone streets and ancient houses gave the feeling of an abandoned village in the Middle Ages.

8.   It will offer wilderness camping, hiking, views from the highest cliffs in mainland Nova Scotia, secluded caves, and abandoned villages.

9.   Later in the week I took a charter boat across Ocracoke Inlet to the abandoned village on Portsmouth Island.

10.   Northern Alliance lines near here are stretched across an abandoned village and up a ridge line that in places is only a couple hundred yards from Taliban positions.

a. + village >>共 1042
remote 5.37%
nearby 5.10%
small 4.88%
surrounding 2.54%
entire 2.01%
palestinian 2.00%
home 1.95%
tiny 1.90%
rural 1.88%
neighboring 1.78%
abandoned 0.43%
abandoned + n. >>共 564
house 8.53%
building 8.48%
car 4.49%
child 2.92%
home 2.22%
vehicle 1.85%
factory 1.67%
village 1.62%
warehouse 1.48%
mine 1.44%
每页显示:    共 35