1.   Charles realized that he must abandon the attempt to re-assert the Forest rights enjoyed by his medieval predecessors.

2.   Helen watched my grandmother with a peculiar horror, for my grandmother had abandoned all attempts to make herself presentable.

3.   Isabel abandoned the attempt and fought to regain her control instead.

4.   It abandons the attempt to detect a class struggle between exploiters and exploited within advanced capitalism.

5.   They abandoned their attempt to recapture the castle.

6.   They had to abandon their attempt to climb the mountain.

7.   The authorities have abandoned any attempt to distribute food.

8.   She never abandoned her attempts to plumb my innermost emotions.

9.   Loretta decided she would have to abandon her attempt to see Veronica for the rest of the day.

v. + attempt >>共 566
make 21.13%
block 5.10%
resist 4.20%
reject 3.47%
foil 2.68%
fight 2.54%
oppose 2.40%
abandon 2.09%
thwart 2.04%
survive 1.50%
abandon + n. >>共 1313
plan 6.40%
effort 3.67%
ship 2.08%
car 2.05%
idea 2.03%
project 1.69%
home 1.59%
attempt 1.44%
hope 1.38%
talk 1.06%
每页显示:    共 87