81.   The high yen hurts Japanese exporters by trimming the value of their overseas earnings when brought back into Japanese yen.

82.   The high yen hurts Japanese exporters by making their exports more expensive overseas and eating into the value of profits they bring back to Japan.

83.   The high yen hurts Japanese exporting companies by reducing the value of dollar earnings they bring back to Japan from overseas.

84.   The strong yen hurts Japanese exporting companies by reducing the value of dollar earnings they bring back to Japan from overseas.

85.   The strong yen not only hurts exports, it also means that dollars and other currencies earned overseas are worth less when converted into the home currency.

86.   The weaker yen has also hurt U.S. automakers, Card said.

87.   Too strong a yen hurts the income of export-based industries, which repatriate profits earned overseas in dollars back to Japan.

88.   A strong yen had also hurt Japanese chemical exports and even Japanese companies turned to imports.

n. + hurt >>共 1148
rate 4.27%
dollar 3.85%
price 2.40%
yen 1.96%
economy 1.31%
cost 1.18%
cut 1.13%
sanction 1.07%
crisis 1.02%
loss 0.93%
yen + v. >>共 248
make 15.72%
be 7.41%
help 5.71%
weaken 4.34%
fall 4.30%
hurt 4.15%
rise 3.73%
strengthen 2.69%
tend 2.46%
continue 2.12%
每页显示:    共 87