81.   An ally of the religious right, Smith has emerged in recent years as a major force in state politics.

82.   Analysts repeatedly have revised lower their growth forecasts this year as consumer spending remained below expectations and the franc appreciated against all other major currencies.

83.   Analysts expect Nextlink to keep losing money for the next several years as the company spends to build new networks and enlarge existing ones.

84.   And Attorney General Grant Woods, who started out the year as the Dole state chairman, but has since been shunted aside.

85.   Analysts expect the market for large aircraft to grow in coming years as airlines in China and elsewhere in Asia start buying more aircraft.

86.   And each year as the executions mount, the innocent will be hanged, electrocuted, or stiffened by lethal injection.

87.   And in his second year as festival director, Reinbert de Leeuw has given his charges the most varied survey of new music ever offered at Tanglewood.

88.   And in the Philippines, a massive bloodletting took place for years as the U.S. military suppressed Filipino rebels.

89.   And Rep. Tom DeLay will enter his third year as majority whip, in charge of drumming up votes for legislation.

90.   And so we find him today in his fourth year as mayor of the City by the Bay, running hard for the right to serve four more years.

n. + as >>共 1563
job 1.33%
year 1.24%
role 1.18%
reputation 1.11%
time 0.99%
day 0.87%
career 0.86%
official 0.65%
thing 0.63%
work 0.61%
year + p. >>共 79
of 29.84%
in 16.01%
for 8.14%
as 5.63%
with 4.82%
by 4.25%
at 3.98%
on 3.82%
after 3.45%
to 3.30%
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