81.   Many promised savings remain unidentified, and the package failed to save money by changing work rules that have impeded productivity.

82.   Meanwhile, City Hall negotiated a tough labor settlement with the custodians, who had long been permitted to operate under sloppy work rules.

83.   Moreover, work rules and airport regulations prevent the scheduling of additional flights except in unusual circumstances.

84.   Mr. Dellaverson said the MTA would not make a legally binding commitment not to impose new work rules unless all the unions made a binding promise not to strike.

85.   Most of us who have survived here after a number of years have ironclad work rules.

86.   Now the funding is fixed, recipients face time limits and work rules, and states have wide discretion in deciding whom to help.

87.   One area said to be under exploration was keeping the current contract in place for all workers, while applying new work rules to future employees.

88.   Other analysts and industry executives say TWA has too many employees and some of the most inefficient work rules in the industry.

89.   Other issues include wages, work rules and payment for extra work, seniority compensation and the number of apprentices and length of apprenticeship.

90.   Points of disagreement continue to focus on wages, benefits and work rules.

n. + rule >>共 1461
ground 4.72%
trade 3.77%
safety 3.39%
work 3.11%
government 2.31%
election 2.15%
court 2.13%
league 1.82%
ethic 1.77%
team 1.68%
work + n. >>共 689
permit 7.56%
schedule 4.22%
week 4.12%
rule 3.80%
hour 3.73%
environment 3.28%
requirement 3.22%
day 2.83%
station 2.73%
surface 2.64%
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