81.   Bill Clinton brought forth a tough-minded law pushing welfare recipients into jobs.

82.   Black and Hispanic welfare recipients together outnumber whites by about two to one.

83.   Both men say able-bodied welfare recipients should work for their welfare checks.

84.   -- Incomes earned by former welfare recipients are low.

85.   -- Limit most welfare recipients to five years on the rolls, not counting years before the act becomes law.

86.   -- The basic AFDC formula provides that working welfare recipients start having their benefits reduced once their earnings exceed the level that qualified them for aid.

87.   -- The elimination of permanent cash payments to welfare recipients.

88.   -- The proposed work requirements for welfare recipients are unrealistic.

89.   -- Offer tutoring services to help welfare recipients earn GEDs.

90.   -- Screen some welfare recipients who show symptoms of alcoholism or drug addiction.

n. + recipient >>共 129
welfare 72.10%
transplant 3.85%
aid 2.47%
organ 1.79%
award 1.24%
grant 1.17%
loan 1.10%
heart 1.03%
gift 0.69%
scholarship 0.62%
welfare + n. >>共 448
recipient 13.61%
reform 11.20%
system 6.27%
program 5.94%
benefit 5.79%
bill 5.05%
law 3.71%
roll 3.24%
payment 2.43%
mother 2.13%
每页显示:    共 1043