81.   Under Turkish law, women can be fined up a fourth of the salaries for wearing scarves in public offices and schools.

82.   Women wearing head scarves grew inconsolable as pallbearers lifted the coffins one by one to rows of open graves.

83.   Women with strong Islamic belief usually wear the scarf.

84.   Four Muslim schoolgirls have been threatened with suspension for wearing scarves at school.

85.   Four Muslim schoolgirls in Singapore were threatened with suspension for wearing headscarves scarves at school.

86.   A ruling in France banning girls from wearing the scarf in classrooms has caused controversy and resistance in a number of areas.

87.   A third school girl, Siti Amir, was absent from class Monday, the deadline for the girls to stop wearing the scarves.

88.   The scarves can be worn to and from school but have to be taken off during lessons.

89.   Three of the girls defied a government deadline on Friday to stop wearing the scarf but were given until Monday to reconsider.

90.   There were stylish young women, soldiers of all ages, elderly women wearing print scarves, even one woman in a leopard-print skirt.

v. + scarf >>共 92
wear 35.19%
tie 5.56%
remove 2.59%
ban 2.22%
pull 2.22%
regard 2.22%
wrap 2.22%
head 1.85%
don 1.85%
drape 1.85%
wear + n. >>共 693
uniform 4.61%
clothes 3.76%
mask 2.90%
helmet 2.52%
suit 2.24%
glove 2.19%
hat 2.04%
shoe 1.70%
glass 1.65%
clothing 1.48%
scarf 0.67%
每页显示:    共 94