81.   Manufacturers say their own research has found no cause for concern at any level, and they object to the idea of warning labels.

82.   Manufacturers who opt not to install the smart bags would be required to place air bag warning labels in cars and trucks.

83.   Maybe that should be added to the warning label.

84.   Meehan wants the U.S. to join a number of other countries in Europe and Asia that require bold warning labels on the front of cigarette packages.

85.   Most cigar packaging, however, already carries a California warning label that has so far passed legal muster.

86.   Nebraska and New Mexico have downgraded the teaching of evolution, and Alabama requires that biology texts carry what amounts to a warning label.

87.   Moreover, any broad-based immigration reforms might need to carry warning labels, experts say.

88.   Mr. Cipollone contended that warning labels were minimized by cigarette advertising and promotions.

89.   NHTSA also is expected to issue tougher warning labels about the potential dangers of airbags to children.

90.   No, we do not plan on warning labels.

a. + label >>共 630
record 20.85%
major 8.80%
warning 8.17%
new 4.07%
private 3.34%
independent 3.11%
designer 2.85%
small 1.49%
party 1.22%
different 0.89%
warning + n. >>共 306
shot 21.99%
sign 15.89%
track 7.12%
label 6.92%
letter 4.20%
system 4.03%
strike 3.64%
signal 3.50%
light 2.69%
station 2.27%
每页显示:    共 246